Public Lighting Authority of Detroit Names Odis Jones Executive Director | Public Lighting Authority

Public Lighting Authority of Detroit Names Odis Jones Executive Director

June 26, 2013

The Public Lighting Authority of Detroit (PLA) said today it has named Detroit native Odis Jones, currently serving as Economic Development Director for the City of Cincinnati, as executive director, effective July 15.

Jones comes to Detroit with extensive experience in managing urban initiatives. Prior to his work in Cincinnati, he served as Director of Urban & Site Development for the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (EDA) and before that was President of the Columbus, Ohio Urban Growth Corporation. Jones also has served as City Manager for several Cities within the Midwest.

“We’re extremely fortunate to have someone with Odis’ scope of experience to take on the task of restoring reliable public lighting within the City of Detroit,” said authority Chair Maureen Stapleton. “The fact that he is a native of Detroit who wants to come back and contribute to the rebuilding of his home town speaks to the depth of commitment he brings to this assignment.”

Jones said he welcomed the opportunity to play a role in the revitalization of the City of Detroit.

“This is my home town and my dream has always been to come back here and play a role in rebuilding Detroit,” he said. “Clearly, a reliable public lighting system is a key component in that rebuilding and I welcome the challenge of turning this system around.”

As economic development director in Cincinnati, Jones has been responsible for leading efforts to attract new investment to the city as well as leading the development and implementation of a bond program that is projected to attract $120 million in new investment in the city’s neighborhoods.

As executive director of the Public Lighting Authority, he will lead the design and implementation of a three-year plan to rebuild Detroit’s public lighting system. It’s estimated that half of Detroit’s 88,000 lights are inoperable because of coil theft, bulb outages, vandalism and maintenance issues.

The Authority will begin the process by holding seven public meetings throughout Detroit in the next four weeks to engage and gather input from the community on the city’s public lighting needs.

“Community input and involvement is going to be a critical part of improving Detroit’s chronic lighting problem,” said Jones. “Our efforts will only be successful if they reflect the needs, interests and opinions of Detroiters. As a native of Detroit, I know how important community involvement has always been in any steps forward by the city.”

Jones grew up on Detroit’s east side, attending Lillibridge Elementary School, Joy Middle School and Osborn High School. He holds a Master of Public Administration degree from Western Michigan University and a Bachelor of Science degree from Central Michigan University.

In addition to his work in Cincinnati and New Jersey, Jones has served as the city administrator for Keokuk, Iowa, president of the Columbus, Ohio Urban Growth Corporation and city administer of the city of Obetz, Ohio. He is a member of the International City/County Management Association, the American Planning Association and the International Economic Development Council.

The PLA was authorized by Michigan Legislature in December, 2012 and approved by Detroit City Council earlier this year to design and implement a three-year plan to improve Detroit’s public lighting system. The PLA is governed by a five-member board appointed by the Mayor and the City Council.