Public Lighting Authority of Detroit issues RFP for LED manufacturer | Public Lighting Authority

Public Lighting Authority of Detroit issues RFP for LED manufacturer

February 7, 2014

DETROIT – The Public Lighting Authority of Detroit (PLA) today issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for qualified Light-Emitting Diode (LED) manufacturing firms with a proven track record of commercial grade, outdoor streetlights to relight the City. In addition, the PLA’s Executive Director, Odis Jones said the PLA will soon issue a RFP seeking qualified contractors to work on the lighting project.

The PLA is replacing existing High Pressure Sodium fixtures already in service. The High Pressure Sodium lights to be replaced are various volt utility/commercial grades of various watt and luminaires that are installed on round pole arms attached to existing utility poles located along the right-of-way of existing streets. It is expected that the PLA will complete its work in City neighborhoods by the end of 2015 and on major thoroughfares by the end of 2016.

Jones said the PLA is committed to utilizing Detroit and Michigan based businesses where possible and that the manufacturer will be expected to pursue local sourcing of work and utilize Detroit-based businesses in support of this effort wherever practical.

The RFP was made available to interested parties on Friday, February 7. Potential bidders with interest in participating should click on the following link on or before February 14, 2014 to request access to the bid documents:

Or access to the RFP at the PowerAdvocate bid platform, by emailing requesting access to Event # 40424.  Bids will be received until February 21, 2014.

This link will direct the Participant to the software platform (PowerAdvocate) that is being used for this solicitation. You will receive an email confirmation once access is approved and you can then login to view the information.

The PLA’s plan which was recently revised includes 100 percent, LED lights that are 150 watts – twice as bright as the 70 watt High Pressure Sodium lights that have been the standard in the past and accelerating the pace of installation with a goal of completing all neighborhoods within 18 months.

In addition to providing for a street light at every street corner in the City, the new plan requires a light in the middle of any block that is more than 300 feet long.

All overhead wired lights will be replaced in the City by the fourth quarter of 2015, with the neighborhood portion of the project completed in 18 months.  All work on underground wiring, primarily along major thoroughfares, is scheduled to be completed by the fourth quarter of 2016.

About the Public Lighting Authority of Detroit

The PLA was authorized by the Michigan Legislature in December, 2012 and approved by Detroit City Council in 2013 to design and implement a three-year plan to improve Detroit’s public lighting system. The PLA is governed by a five-member board, all Detroit residents, appointed by the Mayor and the City Council.