Public Lighting Authority seeks to identify qualified contractors to begin the initial survey for street lighting | Public Lighting Authority

Public Lighting Authority seeks to identify qualified contractors to begin the initial survey for street lighting

August 1, 2013

DETROIT – Public Lighting Authority (PLA) today issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to seek qualified contractors for initial street light surveying work.

The PLA has released this RFP to identify qualified Contractors who will execute the work as part of a long term plan that will span over several years to improve the street light system in the City.

The PLA is a governmental agency that has been authorized by the State of Michigan to be the authority responsible for restoring, repairing, replacing the City’s street lighting system.

The PLA is committed to utilizing Detroit and Michigan based businesses where possible. It is the expectation that the Contractor investigates and pursue local sourcing of work and utilize Detroit and Michigan based businesses in support of this effort wherever practical. Please identify in your Response opportunities provided from Detroit and Michigan based companies.

For more information, please visit the PLA website at

Online Registration: The RFP will be made available to interested parties on August 2, 2013. Potential bidders with interest in participating should click on the following link on or before August 13, 2013 to request access to the bid documents:

Or access to the RFP at the PowerAdvocate bid platform, by emailing requesting access to Event #37295. Bids will be received until August 14th, 2013.

This link will direct the Participant to the software platform (PowerAdvocate) that is being used for this solicitation. You will receive an email confirmation once access is approved and you can then login to view the information.